Friday, 19 October 2012

13A Feminism homework

In regards to the article with Morinsons having a section of toys for boys and for girls, i believe that this is wrong. Simply from a childs prespective it forces a poor 4 year old girl to pick up a pink barbie doll as she walks past the spiderman action figure she really wanted. Referring to theorists this re-enforces Judith Butler's performance idea. The child is automatically directed to the pink or blue toys from a young age, untill it eventually becomes the social 'norm' for the child. It is how society expects the child to 'perform.'

A child be able to make their own decicison in selecting toys and other life choices they will eventually have to in their life without parents nudging them in the expected direction.
On the other hand if a normal sane person was being brutally honest, this is much ado about nothing. It may effect the companies overall sell but that is at their disgression. If it really was such an issue the boy/girl would walk over to the opposite genders allocated section and pick up the toy they wanted.

The article about females being represented in a certain way in newspapers and most articles are written by males is a fair point. however again i simply believe it is all mellow drmatic behaviour. 94% of the prison population is male. Something must be done to stop the outrageous sexism within the justice system (!)
Personally i think in newspapers represent females as simple minded housewives as the normally have a double page spread on how to lose weight in an hour or the perfect pasta dish for their husband when they come home from a hard day at work. My proposal is release a strong minded independant woman newspaper speaking about the strong female political views and be striving to be the breadwinners. This article is a classic example that we have not reached a stage of post feminism. That statement is very far fetched. In the same way the world will never be at war, or everyone will accept ethnic minorities and females may and a very big MAY surpass men. BUT, not for a very long time maybe never but they are making small baby steps towards it in their pink heels.

Too soon?